The Thiefbane have the right to hunted any of their wanteds who are unclanned within Andors Borders. If a Lion Warden is around it is polite for them to let us know they will be serving that warrant(to avoid complications e.g. warden may not realise person is a thiefbane and just some random attacking someone), although not compulsory. If they wish to hunt clanned wanteds within Andor they must ask for permission from a Lion Warden like everyone else.
Exercise Agreement
The Lion Warden hereby give permission to The Thiefbane, to hunt down any Lion Warden Applicant within any city where they have permission to carry out their normal duties.
This includes the city of Caemlyn and within the borders of Andor.
A few points must be adhered too.
- Hunting within the Palace of Caemlyn is strictly prohibited.
- Hunting is to cease, if Andor is at threat. Ie: Shadowspawn, Invaders, Children and Hand of Light or any criminals that threaten Andor.
- Clanned Lion Warden will not interfere, they are there to observe their applicants but has the right to cease any hunting at anytime.
- At no point should any innocent be put at risk when hunting.
- Gear returns for both sides is a must.
- Thiefbane Applicants cannot participate.
- Thiefbane do not have to ask permission in hunting Warden Applicants.
- Warden Applicants are not to initiate any attacks on any member of The Thiefbane.
The Lion Warden recognize that in no way does this benefit The Thiefbane, but merely gives them “something to do” during those quiet times. Not all Thiefbane have to participate, but all Warden Applicants must. The Lion Warden wish to Thank the Thiefbane for their participation in this exercise.