Anyone caught wearing or possessing the equipment of the Lion Warden will have one, and only one, chance to give it up peacefully. After that, a warrant will be issued and pursued. The following pieces of equipment are property of the Lion Warden:
- a red tabard with a vivid red cloak
- a cloak of the Caemlyn Guard
- a cloak of the Andoran Cavalry
- a formal white jacket trimmed in crimson
- white silk trousers
- a pair of formal dress gloves
- a white leather belt with a golden lion buckle
- a pair of polished leather knee-high boots
- a white cavalier hat with a golden plume
- a ruby-studded cufflink
- gold lion medallion of service
- ceremonial dress sword
- a lion-embossed breastplate with white hanging collars
- conical helm with a barred visor
- a pair of red greaves with white bands
- a pair of white cuffed red gauntlets
- a pair of black boots bearing lion-headed spurs
- a pair of red vambraces with white cuffs
- a round shield emblazoned with a golden lion
- a studded black belt with a golden lion buckle.
- a pair of golden braids woven into the cloak
- a golden lion ring with ruby eyes
- the keys to Caemlyn’s gates
There are items which are banned in Andor. If you are caught wearing or possessing one, you will have one, once again only one, chance to give it up peacefully. If you do not, a warrant will be issued and pursued.
- Black sword
- any armor or equipment of the Shadow or the Seanchan
- necklace of human teeth
- slave collar.
Regarding killing in Andor. All clans have the right to ask to hunt in Andor. Permission is to the discretion of the Lion Warden. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be banished or warranted depending on the situation.
Regarding criminals. Any criminals with warrants are not welcome in Andor. If a known criminal enters Andor and attacks anyone residing or passing through, any person in Andor has the right to attack them. Note, only known criminals, such as Boboliosie. We will not force anyone to attack the criminals, but anyone caught aiding or cheering them on will be promptly warranted and killed on sight. Nobody is born a criminal. However, in order to protect the citizens of Andor, all male channelers are banished. Failure to abide by the banishment will result in a warrant until the White Tower and/or the Children or Hand of the Light have verified that the person cannot channel and is not a potential threat to the safety of Andor.
The Lion Warden reserves the right to order anyone in Andor to remove their cloak, gloves/gauntlets to check for contraband. We also reserve the right to order you to remove your pack and give it to us, once again to check for contraband. If you do not comply, you will be banished from Andor. The time of the banishment is up to the Lion on duty. Higher ranking Lions have the right to overrule any lower ranking Lions.
Any warrant or banishment may be appealed. This is a process, and it does not gaurantee the warrant or banishment will be lifted. It does, however, ensure that the officers of the Lion Warden will investigate the situation and modify or remove the punishment if deemed nessecary. Also, anyone who is warranted or banished from Andor may submit themselves for execution or jail time, to be decided by the Lion Warden on duty, for final punishment. We may or may not accept the submission based on facts surrounding the crime or reason for warrant or banishment.
In addition to the pre stated laws, the Lion Warden is given the highest authority in Andor, and in that case may issue warrants and/or banishments to those involved in certain actions deemed unfavorable, or illegal, which may not be covered in the above laws. This includes, but is not limited to, theft of personal property from anyone while inside Andor, slander towards the Queen, the country of Andor, or the Lion Warden and it’s members, or any sort of verbal or sexual assault or harrasment towards any lawful person residing or passing through Andor. This decision is to the discretion of the Lion Warden.
The Lion Warden control the nation of Andor. Please remember this, we are the good Queen’s elite guard. We will get the respect we deserve.