You may complete these quests once. Provide proof to a Lady Gloria for your reward.
Portal Stones 2qps
I have been informed that there are several very powerful Ter’angreal positioned across the world. They look like stone columns. Studies show that only those who possess the ability to wield the one power can activate them. So far a few have been found. Accepted Delilah has approached me and kindly asked if we can help by finding more for her studies. A risky job for her so I gladly accepted this mission on your behalf. I task you into finding 5 of these Ter’angreal. I will require the region of where you came across the stones with a detailed room description of each. Mail your findings to me and of course you will be rewarded.
Ocean Ships (Part 1) 2qps
There are currently 9 ships that are able to sail the Ocean, I would like the name of 7 of these ships. You will also need to provide me with how many ports there are; the room names, the region and the description of the room for each port. This will prove quite valuable to the economy, imagine how much our country would flourish if we had this information. Andor thrives as it is, but with the knowledge of how to navigate the ocean, our nation’s wealth will be vast.
Ocean Ships (Part 2) 2qps
An extra 2 quest points will be rewarded if you can give me the names, region, room names and room descriptions of the last 2 ships and the 2 ports.
Within the Ways (Part 1) 3qps
After Visiting the city of Tar Valon my equipped charger and I headed west out the gate. It had been a long day, night had fallen and my bunk in the barracks was waiting for me. Somehow after leaving the city I had wandered off my path. I tracked my way around trying to find the road again but it was too dark and I grew tired. With a sigh my weariness got the better of me and I decided to set up camp among some scattered birch and dogwoods. Daybreak, the morning was cool with specks of light dancing with the sway of the trees. Gathering myself together I stood rubbing my eyes. As my eyes focused something caught my attention. An intricately carved stone Avendesora leaf was wedged into what looked like a door. Strange, I didn’t know why a door would be here. Curious I moved closer to examine it, touching the leaf I pulled it thinking I could take it home with me. The most bizarre thing happened; a strange portal opens out of seemingly nowhere.
I looked south towards home and then back at the portal. I never went home that day; months later I emerged even further away from home. I was safe but had seen so much within a short amount of time. I had been across the globe in less than a few months; I saw evil things Trollocs, rats, black wind whispering and rushing with sinister songs. I heard the ominous winds that carried screams, howling and melodies to die for... I questioned my own sanity; at one point I do believe I went mad. Finally I arrive home where I was greeted by Nalav who stared at me and said...Tough day huh? I almost passed out when Nalav caught me and promptly sent word to our local wisdom. Not sure what happened after that but I assure you all is well now.
The Stone of Sorrows (Part 2) 2qps
Among my things I picked up a small stone, like a pebble. Rolling it around in my hands I began to feel a sense of sadness, shaking the feeling off I tossed it aside, I vaguely remember where I found it.
(ooc: Retrace my adventure, there are 8 way gates. I require the region, room names and room descriptions of where each gate is located. An extra 2 quest points is given if you find the Stone of Sorrows.)
Finding Kerrigan 3qps
I was traveling through the south the other day, and was accosted by Seanchan warriors. A woman came to my aid, Kerrigan I think it was. I wanted to thank her for what she did for me; I was told that she can be seen roaming different places where she offers assistance. Please find out where she could be found. (Ooc: At least 2 areas where she can be found.)
Dorthy’s Key 2qps
I was gigging in the marshes for flounder with an old country boy from Illian. Needless to say we were drinking and I lost a key in the swamp near a lot of Woad's. I feel like it might be there in the muck, it could also be covered in slime if you happen to find it.
The tall thief 3qps
I heard a thief was receiving stolen goods from Andoran Caravans, he's a tall man. The spine of the world, of all places is home to his operations. Ask around, the tall thief has been sighted around Tear's outskirts.
Attacked in Illian 2qps
To improve relations in Illian, we have been invited to help dispatch a strange man whose been attacking visitors near the Inn. Check the alleyways and bring this man to justice, his scalp will do.
Muffins! 2qps
While you're in Illian, Tallanvor has grown fond of tasty muffins. I heard a farmer's wife makes the best in the country towards the valley of kings. Find these muffins and bring them to a guard in Caemlyn and the exchange.
Hunt for Zamora 2qps
Zamora in Lugard has been rumored to have in her possession a stolen silver stiletto. Locate this thief and bring her to justice.