The grizzled adventurer in Caemlyn is located south of the hunter practice location, near the east gate. Ask him about a task.
Recently I was travelling through Kintara in the south and was accosted by some dreadful, wretched looking man. Barely human he was, and best put out of his misery. Find this fellow and put an end to his suffering and bring me proof of his demise.
I need to find a gift for a little boy I know. A toy carriage might do nicely. See if you can find me one?
I’ve a job that needs doing for which I require a nice length of rope. Fetch me a nice sturdy length and I’ll find something to reward you with.
A wisdom I once knew used to make the most amazing tea. She used broomweed and brewed it with honey and spices. Find me a few flowers of broomweed I’d like to try my hand at making some.
I’ve got a hankering for some mushrooms on toast. If you could find me some mushrooms you’d make an old man very happy. Careful to not pick poisonous ones though!
They say an apple a day keeps the wisdom away. Well I’ll try anything once to keep that old nagging crone from around here off my back. See if you can find me a nice ripe juicy apple.