Forward the Lion, forward the Lion,
the White Lion takes the field.
Roar defiance at the Shadow.
Forward the Lion, forward, Andor triumphant.

The Andoran Queen's Guardsmen known as the Lion Warden are a group of soldiers, loyal to the Queen unto death, who patrol the lands of Andor, seeking criminals and thieves and generally upholding the peace. Recently, the Warden is known to have put down the rebel group known as the Iron Fist who had established themselves deep in southwest Andor. Ardent believers in justice, the ranks of the Warden are open to all those who lead a righteous lifestyle.
- Recruitment Closed 28 January 2014
The Queen’s Guard is closing recruitment. Thank you to all those who have shown interest in the Lion Warden. Please feel free to contact Mhaliah if you have any further questions.
- White Lion Cubs 19 January 2014
we found them!